MHS Media Center
Vanessa Guthrie
Media Specialist
Monday - Friday
7:00 - 2:00(media specialist available)
New After School Study Hours:
Mon. - Thurs. 2:15 - 4:15
One Ranger Road Methuen, MA 01844
(978) 722-6040 X2389
InfoTrac® PowerSearch PowerSearch makes it possible to find subjects from A-Z in one or several of the Thomson Gale's periodical databases in a single search. |
Infobase Learning Access to all MHS Infobase databases which include: Bloom's Literary Reference; Exploring Career Clusters; Issues & Controversies Online; Issues and Contoversies in Ameican History; Life in America; World Geography and Culture; Classroom Video on Demand. ( Ask one of the media specialists for the passwords) |
Biography In Context Contains full-text articles from magazines and newspapers; images and links to websites. Search for people---both current and historic from all eras and fields of endeavor. |
Opposing Viewpoints in Context "premier online resource covering today’s hottest social issues, from capital punishment to immigration, to marijuana. This cross-curricular research tool supports science, social studies, current events, and language arts classes. Its informed, differing views present each side of an issue and help students develop information literacy, critical thinking skills, and the confidence to draw their own valid conclusions" (from Gale website) |
Facts on File Issues & Controversies |
Issues & Controversies in American History Builds a deeper understanding of how historical events have shaped our nation by exploring the key players and the battles they fought. ( Ask one of the media specialists for the passwords) |
ProQuest Full text coverage of the Boston Globe, from 1980-present. |
e-Edition Sign-in Page Curriculum Log-in (for teachers) (ask Media Specialist for password) |
The Week Magazine |
Gale Literary Sources (formerly called Artemis) Research authors and their works, literary movements and genres. Search across several major Literature databases to find full text of literary works, journal articles, literature criticism, reviews, biographical information and overviews. Searches: Literature Resource Center (LRC), LitFinder and Gale Virtural Reference Library which incluses: Poetry for Students, Novels for Students, Short Stories for Students, and Drama for Students. |
Salem Literature Includes: *Critical Insights: Authors *Critical Insights: Works ( Ask the media specialists for the password) |
Literature: Gale Virtual Reference Library |
Gale Virtual Reference Library -- Literature This is a direct link to the literature section of GVRL. From this link you can choose which one of the literature reference sources you want to search. These individual titles includePoetry, Novels, Drama or Short Stories for Students to name a few. Or you may choose to search all of the literature titles within GVRL. |
Bloom's Literature Examines great writers, important works, memorable characters, and influential movements and events in world literature. Now includes a a new "Performance Video" gateway to the nearly 100 full-length videos of classic productions, and a convenient iPad/movile-friendly format for all videos. (Booklist 11/1/13) ( Ask the media specialists for the passwords) |
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Salem Literature Includes: *Critical Insights: Authors *Critical Insights: Works |
Salem History Includes: *Great Lives and Great Events from History *Decades: 1930 through 1990 in America *Musicians and Composers *Notorious Lives *Milestone Documents: American History |
Salem Health
Encyclopedia Britannica -- High School Annals of American History |
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Classroom Video on Demand (currently unavailable) Provides high schools with unlimited access to thousands of full-length videos and clips on core-curriculum topics. ( Ask one of the media specialists for the passwords) |
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Discovery Education |
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WorldCat Use the world's largest library catalog to help you find materials in libraries near you. |
Teaching with Historic Places "Teaching with Historic Places (TwHp) uses properties listed in the National Parks Services to enliven history, social studies, geography, civics and other subjects. TwHp has created a variety of products and activities that help teachers bring historic places into the classroom." Lesson plans are arranged by: Location/State, Theme, Time period, Skill, Primary Source, National Standards for History and Curriculum Standards for Social Studies. |
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NoodleTools/NoodleBib A great tool to cite your sources. Research Steps
Citing Sources
General U.S. History: | |
Narional Archives Northeast Region: | |
RUSA: Using Primary Sources on the Web: | |
Library of Congress: American Memory: | |
Primary Source Documents: |
Discovering American Women's History Online: | |
Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy: | |
Eyewitness History--History Through the Eyes of Those Who Lived It: | |
Making of America: | |
Mass Moments--Massachusetts History: | |
National History Day--U.S. Primary Sources: | |
American Documents from St. Ambrose University: | |
100 Milestone Documents: |
Great Speeches Collection: |
Fairfield Schools Links to Primary Source Sites: |
Mi nooka Community High School Libraries- Primary Sources Pathfinder: |
Virginia Tech University Libraries - American Civil War Manuscript Guides: |
Axis 360 eBooks may be checked out for 3 weeks. See your media specialist for details. |
*Infobase eBooks are full text searchable books, available 24/7, . Ask the media specialist for the passwords. |
Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials can be accessed online from the library or remotely 24/7. Because each library creates its own eBook collection, the content you see may vary if you use the database at different libraries. |
*Salem Press eBooks are full text searchable books, available 24/7, for multi-use from school and home. Available topics include the following: Salem Literature: Decades: 1930 through 1990 America Notorious Lives Milestone Documents: American History
Includes: Genetics Psychology & Mental Health |
ABDO eBooks are full text searchable books, available 24/7 from school and home. You will be prompted for a Username & Password. Ask the media specialist for the passwords. |
Follett Shelf: Includes 30 fiction titles to read online. Log in and check out a title for 2 weeks. When your 2 weeks are up, your book will automatically be deleted from your account. Each patron has the ability to check out one eBook at a time. |
Merrimack Valley Library Consortium (MVLC) - explore the vast collection of audiobooks and eBooks. Must have a valid library card from Nevins Memorial Library or a MVLC affiliated library. |
Project Gutenberg offers more than 33,000 free electronic books that can be downloaded and read on a computer, iPhone, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPad, Android, or other portable devices |
Bibliomania "Bibliomania has thousands of e-books, poems, articles, short stories and plays all of which are absolutely free. You can read the world's greatest fiction by authors such as Dickens and Joyce, Sherlock Holmes mysteries, all Shakespeare's plays, or just dip into some short stories by writers such as Mark Twain, Anton Chekhov and Edgar Allan Poe." from the website |
Google Books:100’s of 1000’s of titles |
Internet Archive (over 2.5 million titles) Download free books and texts. The Internet Archive Text Archive contains a wide range of fiction, popular books, children's books, historical texts and academic books: |
| - (29,000 titles) Browse through the most popular titles, recommendations, or recent reviews from our visitors. Perhaps you'll find something interesting in the special collections. There are more than 29,000 eBooks available here and they're all free! |
Online Books Page (over 1 million titles) The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet |
Inkmesh - This is not a free ebook site; instead it is a search engine for ebooks. You can use Inkmesh to find free ebooks in all the major US ebookstores (Kindle, Kobo, B&N, etc) |
Feedbooks: a digital publishing/ ebookstore site run by Hadrien Gardeur. This site has ebooks in many formats, including PD ebooks and ones uploaded by authors. It has an automated conversion that supports several common formats. Scholar's Lab (University of Virginia) |
The Open eBooks app, offering $250 million worth of books for free, is available to us because we are a Title I school. The app has a high school edition and offers high interest titles, ALL FREE OF CHARGE. |
DISCLAIMER: Content on the Internet is constantly changing and the Methuen Public Schools cannot be held responsible if students link to unknown material. |